Poor soul, I can take his place if he can't handle it

By: LittleLog

Poor soul, I can take his place if he can't handle it
Upvotes: 881
Upvotes: 881

The guy with the smallest penis in the world

By: LingeringResonance

The guy with the smallest penis in the world
Upvotes: 502
Upvotes: 502

The curse

By: OldFeather

The curse
Upvotes: 648
Upvotes: 648

Alphabet book for children made in China. I'm still struggling to connect the dots.

By: LongTree

Alphabet book for children made in China. I'm still struggling to connect the dots.
Upvotes: 772
Upvotes: 772

Shalom, mother fuckers

By: FrostyVoice

Shalom, mother fuckers
Upvotes: 727
Upvotes: 727