If you insist... (grabs crowbar)

By: IcySmoke

If you insist... (grabs crowbar)
Upvotes: 758
Upvotes: 758

My earphones need to chill

By: QuietForest

My earphones need to chill
Upvotes: 702
Upvotes: 702

[OC] every time

By: WitheredSun

[OC] every time
Upvotes: 715
Upvotes: 715

Thanks for noticing

By: DarkMeadow

Thanks for noticing
Upvotes: 494
Upvotes: 494

My back went out, so I have been lying on the floor unable to move for about the past hour. My watch just beeped at me…

By: ThrummingFog

My back went out, so I have been lying on the floor unable to move for about the past hour. My watch just beeped at me…
Upvotes: 574
Upvotes: 574