She said no

By: LongSun

She said no
Upvotes: 502
Upvotes: 502

I'm guessing it was a messy divorce

By: DawnCloud

I'm guessing it was a messy divorce
Upvotes: 772
Upvotes: 772

Found the adult "Free Candy" truck

By: DivineFire

Found the adult "Free Candy" truck
Upvotes: 646
Upvotes: 646

There is a real-life martial art style called "monkey steal peach" that specializes in grabbing the enemy 'nuts'

By: WitheredViolet

There is a real-life martial art style called "monkey steal peach" that specializes in grabbing the enemy 'nuts'
Upvotes: 893
Upvotes: 893

I asked my friend if he got his raise. He sent this.

By: DryViolet

I asked my friend if he got his raise. He sent this.
Upvotes: 780
Upvotes: 780